Project Based Learning
Project Plan
(1.1) The Define Phase
India has started New trends in manufacturing practices with the launching of “Make In India” drive.
(1.11) Introduction:
• Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
• What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
• What are students intended to learn from the project?
This project is intended to allow class X A students to explore the following topics:
1. The link between consumer satisfaction and manufacturing standards.
2. The state of customer services
3. Response to new manufacturing concepts like ‘make in India’
4. The areas that need improvements in manufacturing and service industries
5. Better customer service and employment generation
The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas, the project gives students the opportunity to develop investigative skills for specific 21st Century skills.
Project Scope:
Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, self skills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from class X A
Subjects involved: Social Science/Economics, Commerce and Business Studies.
Student research will be monitored and managed to make sure that the studies are issue specific and relevant
(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
List the curriculum and standards this project will cover.
Class X Social Science Curriculum topics and standards related to this project:
• Requirements of Production
• The need for expanding the base of manufacturing activities
• The need to reduce imports(import substitution)
• New trends in production
• Consumer Rights as part of the general rights
• Current affairs
This project is intended for students of class X to explore the following topics:
1.Present status of manufacturing industries in India.
2.Areas where Indian manufacturing industries are strong and weak
3.How far our manufacturing industries cater to the needs of consumers
4.The relevance of new trends in manufacturing such as “Make in India”.
5. The need for strengthening our manufacturing industries and service sector
2.1 Essential Question:
Put in writing the question that will engage the students
Are the new trends in Manufacturing desirable or not? Why?
2.2 Grouping Strategy:
Describe the criteria that will be used to form students team and how this maps to the goals of the project.
Class was divided into groups with heterogenous ability standards and each group was given different tasks and co-ordinators for each group was selected. Each work groups are given the guidelines on how to work in their respective areas. Regular monitoring of the progress in project work would be collected from group co-ordinators.
2.3 Learning Environment:
Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.
The team members of each group are given the chances to conduct regular discussion on various activities conducted by them and the problems they faced and how did they overcome the difficulties experienced and new knowledge gathered at each phase of the study.
A record book maintained for daily observation and record of photographs of work spot and interview with local people to be maintained.
Computer lab for collection of research material and regular monitoring of the progress.
Blog to be created for better access and interaction.
2.4 Assessment Approach:
Describe the approach for:
2.41 Authentic Assessment:
1. Preparation of Questionnaire for interviewing manufacturers, traders and consumers.
2.Selection of the field of data collection
3.Preparation of data sheet to record responces of interviewees(tabulation).
4.Analysis of the collected information or data.
5.Conversion of data into suitable diagrams/graphs
6.Interpretation of the data and conclusion
7.Preparation of the report and presentation of findings using Powerpoint/charts,etc.
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback provided by recorded data, responces recorded from field study(of all concerned such as manufacturers, traders, consumers, officials etc.),selection of suitable diagrams,graphs, interpretation of the findings and presentation using effective methods
2.43 Summative Assessment:
Assessment on
The ability of relevant data collection and analysis.
Skills of tabulation
Graphical representation of data collected and interpretation
Power point presentation.
Blog interaction.
2.44 Rubrics:
Assessment on:
Questionnaire format
Survey tools adopted
Data collection on the new trends in manufacturing –make in India
Interpretation of data and presentation using suitable graphs and diagrams
Power point presentation.
2.45 Gradings
Rubrics related to the study project have been used to grade the relevance of study steps involved-focussing on both primary and secondary data.
LESSON 3-Plan Phase
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
Class room instruction: Examining the present status and new trends in manufacturing as a comparison
Selection of student group:A group of five student of classXA ( Student group)
Research :Publications/Business journals, Newspaper reports,Websites, Wikipedia, Library and research paper. ( Research report)
Class activity: Discussion on visit to manufactures/shop owners and consumers interview report (Visit reports)
Survey: Questionnairre, responces, recording, analysis and interpretation of findings
(Survey reports)
Activity: Visit to Manufacturers, shop keepers and shoppers (field trip)
Activity : Analysis of New trends in manufacturing field with the introduction of “make in India” and “start ups”
Activity1: Analysis and graphical presentation using suitable diagrams(Lab work)
Activity2: Discussion of study report in the class with power point presentation
Presentation: Exhibition of different tools used for surveying and Project report preparation(Presentation)
List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone
3.2 Role definition:
List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project Leader:Social Science teacher.
Researcher: All Students.
Survey writer: All students
Adviser:Professionals,Manufacturing/Business experts,Sales Personnels,Officials of Consumer organisations, etc.
Presenter: Group leader with the help of team members.
3.3 Task schedule:
Note start and end dates for the project.
Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Project start date 11th July 2016.
Project end date 25th August 2016.
Activity: Visit to shops and manufacturing units and surveying planned by 20th July 2016.
Activity: Visit to collection and recording of the response sheets by 20th August.
3.4 Special Activities Plan:
Visit to Consumer Organisation office bearers: 16th July 2016
Visit to manufactures and shop owners 20th July 2016
Visit to meet consumers and employees of manufacturing units/shops: 27th July 2016
List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Library Periods: According to the timetable of the class
Computer periods: According to the time table of the class and
School holidays
3.5 Resource Plan:
List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Library Periods: According to the timetable of the class
Computer periods: According to the time table of the class and school holidays.
3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Survey of facts from the consumers/buyers from shops, employees- quality of goods and services
Visit to experts:Relevance of new manufacturing concepts and initiatives.
Research papers from the magazines,internet- Previous work done on the topic
3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
Discussion in class about progress at the end of every fortnights(two weeks)
Improve strategies to overcome challenges and hurdles.
Team meeting to be held every 2days to analyse work done for 15 minutes during light periods.
3.8 Assessment plan:
Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project.
Assessment: Survey report/ Tabulation as graphs/Pie-charts. Record of observation, record of information from experts, Analysis of new and old manufacturing practices.
Formative assessment:
1.Data from log book.
2. Record of photographs.
3. Survey data analysis.
4. Tabulation of responces recieved
5. Analysis of the findings/data.
Summative Assessment:
Power point presentation.
Charts and posters.
Blog interaction
Team co-ordination
Rubrics Prepared:
Survey questionnaire, Questions posed to experts, result rubrics, data analysis rubrics, presentation rubric, team work and coordination.
Lesson 4-Work plan
Launch project
teacher 11.07.16 14.07.16 Project launched
Deliver classroom instruction 1.Define the project 2.culminating product teacher 16.07.16 Selection of suitable title
Group selection Shifana,P.J.Bijesh,Naveen. T,
Nasrin Naser and Aarya Menon- ClassX
Group selection
Conduct Research 1.Shops and houses 2. Nearby survey fields available 3. Local Resources available
Perform field visit Visit to households/consumers
Teacher & student
24.07.16 Proceedings recorded & Photographs taken
Conduct Survey Visit to small scale manufactures/shop keepers village. Preparation of Questionaire students 20.07.16 22.07.16 Prepared and conducted Survey.
Visit to Expert Completion of data collection Teacher & student 24.07.16 28.07.16 Expert opinion analysed.Distribution analysed Medicinal value analysed
Advice meeting
Team meets for briefs and advice from teacher. Teacher & students 26.07.16 26.07.16 Meeting held to discuss proceedings
Revisit for field survey Collection of data
students 27.07.16 27.07.16 Completed
Prepare rubrics & assessment Prepare rubrics & assessment teacher 30.07.16 08.08.16 Completed
Reflection and evaluation Student reflection & Evaluation,Teacher Reflection & Evalluation Student and teacher 18.08.16 20.08.16 completed
Project presentation Post in blog All member 21.10.16 25.10.16 completed
Project closed Submitting to Principal teacher 23.11.16 24.11.16 completed
Lesson 5-The Do Phase
5.1 Project Launch:
Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched at a group meeting with the class. There will be a presentation covering goals. Expectations, rules, procedures, assessments and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom and posted in the blog. The define, plan, do and review cycles will be discussed.
5.2 Artifacts:
List the survey findings that will be created during the project
Research notes,Survey Reports,Questionares,Message Boards,Presentation,Photographs,Pie chart,bar graph, etc
5.3 Culminating product:
Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.
2. Log book on activity report with date.
3. Charts/ Posters depicting ideas.
4. Blog/animation
5. emblem/logos
6. Power point presentation
5.4 Celebrating completion:
Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
Exhibition of project in the conference hall before peer group and all science teachers, Principal / Vice Principal/ Experts.
Lesson 6-The Review Phase
6.1 Student Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
Student will present in front of the class-the methodology adopted, challenges faced-facts learned-skills developed-enjoyment of team work-self decisions made-critical analysis- visits and experiences gained.
6.2 Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
Selection of survey field
Challenges, including time constraints
Difficult periods
Problems faced and overcoming hurdles
How it can be done better/different
Overall experiences gained.
6.3 Assessment of 21st Century skills:
List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment
Artefacts : 21st century skills
Research note-ICT,analysis co relation,selection of facts
Campaign: organization and co-ordination
Photographs: Skill to handle camera- cinematography
Poster: Drawing and painting skills. creativity using colours.
Presentation: ICT , creativity,initiative, team coordination, leadership, Analysis, conclusion, problem solving.
6.4 Summative Assessment and Grading:
List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading
Product Rubric Grading
1.Survey results
5.Power point presentation Questionnaire, survey rubrics
Blog rubric
Respective rubric
ICT/presentation rubric Appropriateness/relevance
Quality of data
Team work
Awareness of new methods
Lesson 7-The Manage Phase
7.1 Process Management:
List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning
Planning and co-ordination
Project leadership
Progress monitoring
Process management
Stress management
Conflict management
7.2 Student Preparation:
Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed
The idea to be presented to student at least 15 days before the launch of the project. New ICT tools to be practiced and analysed. Sample project can be discussed- highlighting steps to be followed-difficulties, possibilities, relevance of studies,methodology, results- conclusion- requirements.
7.3 Facilitation:
Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.
Use of library and computer labs - free periods to be made use of . Research papers on the same topic,Recent publications on the topic and latest survey reports
7.4 Progress Monitoring:
Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.
Group Progress
Team to meet on 2 days basis to discuss proceedings and report to teacher in charge.
Check for the completion of specific task and topics learned by each team member
(7.5) Re-planning:
Describe how‘time and resource management /re-planning’ will be done if the project goes off track
Reduction of risk of students’ work going out off track. Project to be completed in the assigned date schedule. 10% additional time may be allowed. End date to be adhered to. Extra time at home can be made use of,especially for collection of information and data processing.
(7.6) Conflict Management:
Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts including mental stress and individual conflicts that may arise.
Team work rule to be followed. Students are asked to coordinate and cooperate to make the programme a success.Motivation of the students regularly Activity to be monitored by the teacher regularly to avoid misunderstanding. Motivating words to be used often to encourage student to work with unity