RamaKrishnan A P Social Science Class X-NEW TRENDS IN MANUFACTURING

RamaKrishnan A P Social Science Class X-NEW TRENDS IN MANUFACTURING


Project Based Learning
Project Plan

 (1.1) The Define Phase

India has started New trends in manufacturing practices with the launching of “Make In India” drive.
(1.11) Introduction:

Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
What are students intended to learn from the project?

This project is intended to allow class X A students to explore the following topics:

1. The link between consumer satisfaction and manufacturing standards. 
2. The state of customer services
3. Response to new manufacturing concepts like ‘make in India’
4. The areas that need improvements in manufacturing and service industries
5. Better customer service and employment generation
The students will work in small groups building knowledge in these curriculum areas, the project gives students the opportunity to develop investigative skills  for specific 21st Century skills.

 Project Scope:

Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, self skills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from class X A
Subjects involved: Social Science/Economics, Commerce and Business Studies.
Student research will be monitored and managed to make sure that the studies are  issue specific and relevant

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

List the curriculum and standards this project will cover.
Class X Social Science Curriculum topics and standards related to this project:
Requirements of Production
The need  for expanding the base of manufacturing activities
The need to reduce imports(import substitution)
New trends in production
Consumer Rights as part of  the general rights
Current affairs

This project is intended for students of class X to explore the following topics:

1.Present status of manufacturing industries in India.
2.Areas where Indian manufacturing industries are strong and weak
3.How far our manufacturing industries  cater to the needs of consumers
4.The relevance of  new trends in manufacturing such as “Make in India”.
5. The need for strengthening our manufacturing industries and service sector


2.1 Essential Question:

            Put in writing the question that will engage the students

Are the new trends in Manufacturing desirable or not? Why?

2.2 Grouping Strategy:

    Describe the criteria that will be used to form students team and how this maps to the goals of the project.

Class was divided into groups with heterogenous ability standards and each group was given different tasks and co-ordinators for each group was selected. Each work groups are given the guidelines on how to work in their respective areas. Regular monitoring of the progress in project work would be collected from group co-ordinators.

2.3 Learning Environment:

            Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.
The team members of each group are given the chances to conduct regular discussion on various activities conducted by them and the problems they faced and how did they overcome the difficulties experienced and new knowledge  gathered at each phase of the study.
A record book maintained for daily observation and record of photographs of work spot and interview with local people to be maintained.
Computer lab for collection of research material and regular monitoring of the progress.
Blog to be created for better access and interaction.

2.4 Assessment Approach:

                Describe the approach for:
  2.41 Authentic Assessment:

1. Preparation of Questionnaire for interviewing manufacturers, traders and consumers.
2.Selection of  the field of data collection 
3.Preparation of data sheet to record responces of interviewees(tabulation).
4.Analysis of the collected information or data.
5.Conversion of data into suitable diagrams/graphs
6.Interpretation of the  data and conclusion
7.Preparation of the report and presentation of findings using Powerpoint/charts,etc.
2.42 Formative Assessment:

Regular feedback provided by recorded data, responces recorded from field study(of all concerned such as manufacturers, traders, consumers,  officials etc.),selection of suitable diagrams,graphs, interpretation of the findings and presentation using effective methods

2.43 Summative Assessment:

Assessment on
     The ability of relevant data collection  and analysis.
     Skills of tabulation 
     Graphical representation of data collected and interpretation
     Power point presentation.
     Blog interaction.

2.44 Rubrics:

 Assessment on:

     Questionnaire format
     Survey tools adopted
     Data collection on the new trends in manufacturing –make in India
      Interpretation of data and presentation using suitable graphs and diagrams
     Blog
     Power point presentation.     

2.45 Gradings

Rubrics related to the study project  have been used to grade the relevance of study steps involved-focussing on both primary and secondary data.

LESSON 3-Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:

Class room instruction:  Examining the present status and new trends in manufacturing as a comparison
Selection of student group:A group of five student of classXA ( Student group)

Research :Publications/Business journals, Newspaper reports,Websites, Wikipedia, Library and research paper. ( Research report)
Class activity: Discussion on visit to manufactures/shop owners and consumers interview report (Visit reports)

Survey: Questionnairre, responces, recording, analysis and interpretation of findings
(Survey reports) 

Activity: Visit to  Manufacturers, shop keepers and shoppers (field trip)

Activity : Analysis of New trends in manufacturing field with the introduction of “make in India” and “start ups”

Activity1: Analysis  and graphical presentation using suitable diagrams(Lab work)

Activity2: Discussion of study report in the  class with power point presentation

Presentation: Exhibition of different tools used for surveying and Project report preparation(Presentation)

 List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone

3.2 Role definition:

 List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.

Project Leader:Social Science teacher.
Researcher: All Students.
Survey writer: All students
Adviser:Professionals,Manufacturing/Business experts,Sales Personnels,Officials of Consumer organisations, etc.
Presenter: Group leader with the help of team members.

3.3 Task schedule:

 Note start and end dates for the project.
 Include expected dates to start specific tasks

Project start date 11th July 2016.
Project end date 25th August 2016.
Activity: Visit to shops and manufacturing units and surveying  planned by 20th July 2016.
Activity: Visit to collection and recording of the response sheets by 20th August.

3.4 Special Activities Plan:

Visit to Consumer Organisation office bearers: 16th July 2016
Visit to manufactures and shop owners 20th July 2016
Visit to meet consumers and employees of manufacturing units/shops: 27th July 2016
                List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.

Library Periods: According to the timetable of the class
Computer periods: According to the time table of the class and
School holidays 

3.5 Resource Plan:

List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.

Library Periods: According to the timetable of the class
Computer periods: According to the time table of the class and school holidays. 

3.6 Direct Instruction:

List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.

Survey of facts from the consumers/buyers from shops, employees- quality of goods and services
Visit to experts:Relevance of new manufacturing concepts and initiatives.
Research papers from the magazines,internet- Previous work done on the topic 

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:

                Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project

 Discussion in class about progress at the end of every fortnights(two weeks)
Improve strategies to overcome challenges and hurdles.
Team meeting to be held every 2days to analyse work done for 15 minutes during light periods.
 3.8 Assessment plan:
            Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project.

 Assessment: Survey report/ Tabulation as graphs/Pie-charts. Record of observation, record of information from experts, Analysis of new and old manufacturing practices.

Formative assessment: 
                                      1.Data from log book.
                                      2. Record of photographs.
                                      3. Survey  data analysis.
                                      4. Tabulation of responces recieved
                                       5. Analysis of the findings/data.

Summative Assessment:
      Power point presentation.
     Charts and posters.
     Blog interaction
     Team co-ordination 

Rubrics Prepared:
Survey questionnaire, Questions posed to experts, result rubrics, data analysis rubrics, presentation rubric, team work and coordination.

Lesson 4-Work plan

Launch project
teacher 11.07.16 14.07.16 Project launched
Deliver classroom instruction 1.Define the project 2.culminating product teacher 16.07.16 Selection of suitable title

Group selection Shifana,P.J.Bijesh,Naveen. T,
Nasrin Naser and Aarya Menon- ClassX
Group selection

Conduct Research 1.Shops and houses 2. Nearby survey fields available 3. Local Resources available

Perform field visit Visit to households/consumers
Teacher & student
24.07.16 Proceedings recorded & Photographs taken
Conduct Survey Visit to small scale manufactures/shop keepers village. Preparation of Questionaire students 20.07.16 22.07.16 Prepared and conducted Survey.
Visit to Expert Completion of data collection Teacher & student 24.07.16 28.07.16 Expert opinion analysed.Distribution analysed Medicinal value analysed

Advice meeting

Team meets for briefs and advice from teacher. Teacher & students 26.07.16 26.07.16 Meeting held to discuss proceedings
Revisit for field survey Collection of data
students 27.07.16 27.07.16 Completed
Prepare rubrics &  assessment Prepare rubrics &  assessment teacher 30.07.16 08.08.16 Completed
Reflection and evaluation Student reflection & Evaluation,Teacher Reflection & Evalluation Student and teacher 18.08.16 20.08.16 completed
Project presentation Post in blog All member 21.10.16 25.10.16 completed
Project closed Submitting to Principal teacher 23.11.16 24.11.16 completed

Lesson 5-The Do Phase

5.1 Project Launch:
Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched at a group meeting with the class. There will be a presentation covering goals. Expectations, rules, procedures, assessments and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom and posted in the blog. The define, plan, do and review cycles will be discussed.

5.2  Artifacts:

List the survey findings that will be created during the project
Research notes,Survey Reports,Questionares,Message Boards,Presentation,Photographs,Pie chart,bar graph, etc

5.3 Culminating product:
Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.

2. Log book on activity report with date.
3. Charts/ Posters depicting ideas.
4. Blog/animation
5.  emblem/logos
6.  Power point presentation

5.4  Celebrating completion:
Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
Exhibition of project in the conference hall before peer group and all science teachers, Principal / Vice Principal/ Experts. 

Lesson 6-The Review Phase

6.1 Student Reflection and Evaluation:

                Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

Student will present in front of the class-the methodology adopted, challenges faced-facts learned-skills developed-enjoyment of team work-self decisions made-critical analysis- visits and experiences gained.

6.2 Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:

                Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
Selection of survey field
Challenges, including time constraints
Difficult periods
 Problems faced and overcoming hurdles
 How it can be done better/different
Overall experiences gained.

6.3  Assessment of 21st Century skills:

                List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment
Artefacts :  21st century skills
Research note-ICT,analysis co relation,selection of facts
Campaign: organization and co-ordination
Photographs: Skill to handle camera- cinematography
Poster: Drawing and painting skills. creativity using colours.
Presentation: ICT , creativity,initiative, team coordination, leadership, Analysis, conclusion, problem solving.

6.4  Summative Assessment and Grading:

                List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading

Product Rubric Grading
1.Survey results
5.Power point presentation Questionnaire, survey rubrics
Blog rubric
 Respective rubric
ICT/presentation rubric Appropriateness/relevance
Quality of data
Team work
Awareness of new methods

Lesson 7-The Manage Phase

7.1 Process Management:
                List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning

  Planning and co-ordination
  Project leadership
  Progress monitoring
  Process management
  Stress management
  Conflict management

7.2 Student Preparation:

 Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed

The idea to be presented to student at least 15 days before the launch of the project. New ICT tools to be practiced and analysed. Sample project can be discussed- highlighting steps to be followed-difficulties, possibilities, relevance of studies,methodology, results- conclusion- requirements.

7.3 Facilitation:

                Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.

Use of library and computer labs - free periods to be made use of . Research papers on the same topic,Recent publications on the topic and latest survey reports 

7.4  Progress Monitoring:

 Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.

Group Progress

Team to meet on 2 days basis to discuss proceedings and report to teacher in charge.


Check for the completion of specific task and topics learned by each team member

(7.5) Re-planning:

  Describe how‘time and resource  management /re-planning’ will be done if the project goes off track

 Reduction of  risk of students’ work going out off track. Project to be completed in the assigned date schedule. 10% additional time may be allowed. End date to be adhered to. Extra time at home can be made use of,especially for collection of information and data processing.

(7.6) Conflict Management:

 Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts including mental stress and individual conflicts that may arise.

 Team work rule to be followed. Students are asked to coordinate and cooperate to make the programme a success.Motivation of the students regularly  Activity to be monitored by the teacher regularly to avoid misunderstanding. Motivating words to be used often to encourage student to work with unity

Lakshmidevi Class VI Mathematics- Basic Geometrical Ideas

Lakshmidevi Class VI Mathematics- Basic Geometrical Ideas

Radha Lakshmi
Maths Class VI

Project Based Learning

Lesson1. Project Plan

(1.1)The Define Phase
1.Basic Geometrical Ideas
2.Understanding Elementary Shapes

 (1.11) Introduction:
Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
What are students intended to learn from the project?

*This project is intended to allow class VI students to explore the following topics:

1. A point determines a location. It is usually denoted by a capital letter.
2. A line segment corresponds to the shortest distance between two points. The
line segment joining points A and B is denoted by AB.
AB and BA denote the same line segment.
3. A line is obtained when a line segment like AB is extended on both sides
indefinitely; it is denoted by AB
or sometimes by a single small letter like l.
4. Two distinct lines meeting at a point are called intersecting lines.
5. Two lines in a plane are said to be parallel if they do not meet.
6. A ray is a portion of line starting at a point and going in one direction endlessly.
7. Any drawing (straight or non-straight) done without lifting the pencil may be
called a curve. In this sense, a line is also a curve.
8. A simple curve is one that does not cross itself.
9. A curve is said to be closed if its ends are joined; otherwise it is said to be open.
10. A polygon is a simple closed curve made up of line segments. Here,
(i) The line segments are the sides of the polygon.
(ii) Any two sides with a common end point are adjacent sides.
(iii) The meeting point of a pair of sides is called a vertex.
(iv) The end points of the same side are adjacent vertices.
(v) The join of any two non-adjacent vertices is a diagonal.
11. An angle is made up of two rays starting from a common end point.
Two rays OA and OB
make ∠AOB(or also called ∠BOA).
An angle leads to three divisions of a region:
On the angle, the interior of the angle and the exterior of the angle.
12. A triangle is a three-sided polygon.
13. A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon. (It should be named cyclically).
In any quadrilateral ABCD, AB & DC and AD & BC are pairs of opposite
sides. ∠A & ∠C and ∠B & ∠D are pairs of opposite angles. ∠A is adjacent
to ∠B & ∠D ; similar relations exist for other three angles.
14. A circle is the path of a point moving at the same distance from a fixed point.
The fixed point is the centre, the fixed distance is the radius and the distance
around the circle is the circumference.
A chord of a circle is a line segment joining any two points on the circle.
A diameter is a chord passing through the centre of the circle.
A sector is the region in the interior of a circle enclosed by an arc on one side
and a pair of radii on the other two sides.
A segment of a circle is a region in the interior of the circle enclosed by an arc
and a chord.
1. The distance between the end points of a line segment is its length.
2. A graduated ruler and the divider are useful to compare lengths of line
3. When a hand of a clock moves from one position to another position we have
an example for an angle.
One full turn of the hand is 1 revolution.
A right angle is ¼ revolution and a straight angle is ½ a revolution .
We use a protractor to measure the size of an angle in degrees.
The measure of a right angle is 90° and hence that of a straight angle is 180°.
An angle is acute if its measure is smaller than that of a right angle and is obtuse
if its measure is greater than that of a right angle and less than a straight angle.
A reflex angle is larger than a straight angle.
4. Two intersecting lines are perpendicular if the angle between them is 90°.
5. The perpendicular bisector of a line segment is a perpendicular to the line
segment that divides it into two equal parts.
6. Triangles can be classified as follows based on their angles:
Nature of angles in the triangle Name
Each angle is acute Acute angled triangle
One angle is a right angle Right angled triangle
One angle is obtuse Obtuse angled triangle
7. Triangles can be classified as follows based on the lengths of their sides:
Nature of sides in the triangle Name
All the three sides are of unequal length Scalene triangle
Any two of the sides are of equal length Isosceles triangle
All the three sides are of equal length Equilateral triangle
8. Polygons are named based on their sides.
Number of sides    Name of the Polygon
   3                            Triangle
   4                            Quadrilateral
   5                            Pentagon
   6                            Hexagon
   8                            Octagon
9. Quadrilaterals are further classified with reference to their properties.
          Properties                                                        Name of the Quadrilateral
             One pair of parallel sides                                Trapezium
            Two pairs of parallel sides                               Parallelogram
            Parallelogram with 4 right angles                    Rectangle
            Parallelogram with 4 sides of equal length      Rhombus
            A rhombus with 4 right angles                         Square
10. We see around us many three dimensional shapes. Cubes, cuboids, spheres,
cylinders, cones, prisms and pyramids are some of them.

1.12) Project Scope:

Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, soft skills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from Class: VI
Subjects … mathematics,art,architecture ,cloth designing and measurement, music,science,engineering constructions ,directions in Geography

Tactics and tools , interpersonal skill, communicative skill, leadership quality
Student work to be managed by guide teachers to prevent going from out of track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.
*Introduction to geometry….a new branch of mathematics
*learn some interesting facts that will help you know more
    about the shapes around you.
*Basic Geometrical Ideas
*plane figures
* Understanding Elementary Shapes
* engineering constructions ,directions in Geography
 *Conservation of resource

Lesson 2-Define Phase

2.1 Essential Question:

Put in writing the question that will engage the students
*Geometry has a long and rich history. The term ‘Geometry’ is the English
equivalent of the Greek word ‘Geometron’. ‘Geo’ means Earth and ‘metron’
means Measurement.
*Explore about the  shapes around you.

2.2 Grouping Strategy:

Describe the criteria that will be used to form student’s team and how this maps to the goals of the project.
Groups consist of students of different gender and have following skills
 Organizing skill, Leadership quality-to segregate different topics and assign them among the members.
Drawing skill-to make pictures related to the topic
Slogan writing/ poem writing skill- to create awareness about the need for understanding basic geometrical ideas and elementary shapes
Artistic skill- to make model(house ,building , sofa set ,geometrical fish, garden, house ,….etc)
Speaking skill/ communication skill- to present the project in front of the crowd
Acting skill- skit

2.3 Learning Environment:

Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.
School campus- campaign, display board ,class room,kitchen, house,world arround us , Assembly – speech, skit

2.4 Assessment Approach:

Describe the approach for:
2.41 Authentic Assessment:

Visit to .
Analysis of  shapes around us.
Collecting information about usage of shapes around you Construction of
magnificent palaces, temples, lakes, dams and cities, art and architecture  .
Giving “advice- individuals to conserve  nature ” will be performed during the project.

2.42. Formative Assessment:
Slogan assessment, regular feedback, questionnaire on , model assessment, photographs assessment.

 2.43. Summative assessment:

Data collected and analyzed
 Poem assessment
Power point presentation
Solving puzzles/ riddles
Speech  assessment
Skit assessment

2.44. Rubrics

Assessment on
Model making
Poster / slogan and poem presentation
Power point presentation
Execution of campaign
Data collection, organization and interpretation

2.45: Grading’s

Based on stepwise grading throughout the entire project
A rubric used to compile grades

Lesson 3-Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.
Class room instruction—Water resource, source, importance, depletion, pollution and conservation
Selection of student group- Class 6(student group)
Research- Library, website, Wikipedia( research report)
Activity- poem, slogan, poster making, model, speech(activity report)
Field trip- pond ecosystem(field trip)
Presentation- conservation of water resource(presentation)

3.2 Role definition:
List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project leader- Teacher
Researchers-   students
Information provider- people staying near the pond
Presenter- group leader with the team members.

3.3 Task schedule:
Note start and end dates for the project.
Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Start date: 08.08.16
End date: 30.08.16
Poem , slogan, poster- 20.08.16
Campaign- 10.08.16

3.4 Special Activities Plan:
List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Visit to pond ecosystem and interaction with local people-13.08.16
Poster display-20.08.16

3.5 Resource Plan:
List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Library period- According to the time table of the class.
Computer period- According to the time table of the class.

3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Questionnaire preparation-pond ecosystem
Research paper from internet- study already conducted

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
Checking the progress of task, every week.
Group meeting every day to ensure work done

3.8 Assessment plan:
Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.

Assessment plan: slogan assessment
Poem assessment
Photograph assessment
Questionnaire assessment
Skit assessment
Poster assessment
Presentation assessment
Speech assessment
Model assessment
Team coordination, organization, creativity, interpretation

Work plan-Lesson 4

Prepare work plan in the format given below.

Launch project
teacher 08.08.16 08.08.16 Project launched

Deliver classroom instruction 1.Define the project
2.culminating product
teacher 08.08.16 08.08.16 Initial classroom
discussion completed
Group selection teacher 08.08.16 08.08.16 Group selection complete

Conduct Research
Collect data on water pollution and water conservation students 09.08.16 28.08.16 Information recorded
Perform field visit Visit to nearest pond ecosystem
student 13.08.16 13.08.16 Proceedings recorded & Photographs taken
Conduct Survey
Visit to nearby village. Prepare Questionaire
student 13.08.16 13.08.16 Prepared and conducted Survey.

Activities Slogan, poster, speech, campaign 10.08.16  25.08.16
Advice meeting Team meets for briefs and advice from teacher.
students 08.08.16 Meeting held to discuss proceeding
Assessment & grading
Prepare rubrics &  assessment teacher 08.08.16
Reflection and evaluation Student reflection&  evaluation,  Teacher reflection &  evaluation Student and teacher 29.08.16
Project closed
Submitting to Principal teacher 30.08.16
Project Plan – Lesson 5
The Do Phase

 (5.1) Project Launch: Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students. The project will be launched at a group meeting with the class. There will be a presentation covering goals. Expectations, rules, procedures, assessments and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom and posted in the blog. The define, plan, do and review cycles will be discussed.

 (5.2) Artifacts: List artifacts that will be created during the project Questionnaire, slogan , presentation, display board
 (5.3) Culminating product: Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented. 1.Questionnaire 2. Log book on activity report with date. 3. Charts/ Posters depicting ideas. 4. Blog/animation 5. cartoon. 6. Power point presentation
 (5.4) Celebrating completion: Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed. Exhibition of project in the conference hall before peer group and all science teachers, Principal / Vice Principal/ Experts.

Lesson 6 -The Review Phase

(6.1)Student Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
Student will present in front of the class-the methodology adopted, challenges faced-facts learned-skills developed-enjoyment of team work-self decisions made-critical analysis- visits and experiences gained.

(6.2) Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

 Problems faced
 How it can be done better/different
Overall experiences gained.

(6.3) Assessment of 21st Century skills:
List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment

Artefacts :  21st century skills
Campaign: organization and
Photographs: Skill to handle camera- cinematography
Poster: Drawing and painting skills. creativity using colours.
Presentation: ICT , creativity, team coordination, leadership, Analysis, conclusion, problem solving.

(6.4) Summative Assessment and Grading:
List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading
Product Rubric Grading
1.Survey results
5.Power point presentation Questionnaire, survey rubrics
Blog rubric
 Respective rubric
ICT/presentation rubric

Lesson 7-The Manage Phase

(7.1) Process Management:
List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning

  Project leadership
  Progress monitoring
  process management
  Conflict management

(7.2) Student Preparation:
Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed
The idea to be presented to student 3 weeks before the launch of the project. New ICT tools to be practiced and analysed. Sample project can be discussed- highlighting steps to be followed- results- conclusion- requirements.

(7.3)  Facilitation:
Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.

Use of library and computer labs - free periods to be made use of . Research papers on the same topic and previous project reports to be made use of.

(7.4) Progress Monitoring:
Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.
Team to meet on daily basis to discuss proceedings and report to teacher in charge.

Group Progress

Check for the completion of specific task and topics learned

         Individual     Progress

(7.5) Re-planning:
Describe how‘re-planning’ will be used if the project goes off track
 Low risk of student work going out off track. Project to be completed in the assigned date schedule. 10% additional time may be allowed. End date to be adhered to. Extra time at home can be made use of.

(7.6) Conflict Management:
Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts that may arise.
 Team work rule to be followed. Students are asked to coordinate and cooperate to make the programme a success. Activity to be monitored by the teacher regularly to avoid misunderstanding. Motivating words to be used often to encourage student to work with unity

Suthirshna Science Class VI - Water  to Thrive

Suthirshna Science Class VI - Water to Thrive

Science Class VI
Water  to Thrive

Project Based Learning
Lesson1. Project Plan
(1.1)The Define Phase
  Water  to Thrive
(1.11) Introduction:
Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
What are students intended to learn from the project?

This project is intended to allow class VI students to explore the following topics:
Water -a precious natural resource
Sources of water
Importance of water resource
Depletion of water
Water pollution
Need of the hour…Water Conservation

(1.12) Project Scope:
Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, soft skills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.
Students from Class: VI
Subjects—Biology, geography, chemistry, ecology.
Tactics and tools , interpersonal skill, communicative skill, leadership quality
Student work to be managed by guide teachers to prevent going from out of track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
Natural resources
Water cycle
Importance of water resource
Depletion of water resource
Water pollution
Conservation of water resource
List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.

Project Based Learning
Lesson 2 –Define Phase
2.1 Essential Question:
Put in writing the question that will engage the students
How is water polluted and how can it be conserved?

2.2 Grouping Strategy:
Describe the criteria that will be used to form student’s team and how this maps to the goals of the project.
Groups consist of students of different gender and have following skills
 Organizing skill, Leadership quality-to segregate different topics and assign them among the members.
Drawing skill-to make pictures related to the topic
Slogan writing/ poem writing skill- to create awareness about the need for water conservation
Artistic skill- to make model(rainwater harvesting)
Speaking skill/ communication skill- to present the project in front of the crowd
Acting skill- skit

2.3 Learning Environment:
Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.
School campus- campaign, display-hand washing area, drinking water areas, toilets and pond ecosystem. Assembly – speech, skit

2.4 Assessment Approach:
Describe the approach for:
2.41 Authentic Assessment:
Visit to pond ecosystem.
Analysis of contaminants in pond
Collecting information about usage of water by humans and other animals in that pond ecosystem.
Giving “advice- individuals to conserve water” will be performed during the project.

2.43 Summative Assessment:

2.44 Rubrics:

2.45 Gradings:

          2.42. Formative Assessment:
Slogan assessment, regular feedback, questionnaire on pond ecosystem, model assessment, photographs assessment.

     2.43. Summative assessment:
Data collected and analyzed
Poem assessment
Power point presentation
Solving puzzles/ riddles
Speech  assessment
Skit assessment

2.44. Rubrics

Assessment on
Model making
Poster / slogan and poem presentation
Power point presentation
Execution of campaign
Data collection, organization and interpretation

2.45: Grading’s
Based on stepwise grading throughout the entire project
A rubric used to compile grades

Lesson 3-Plan Phase
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.
Class room instruction—Water resource, source, importance, depletion, pollution and conservation
Selection of student group- Class 6(student group)
Research- Library, website, Wikipedia( research report)
Activity- poem, slogan, poster making, model, speech(activity report)
Field trip- pond ecosystem(field trip)
Presentation- conservation of water resource(presentation)

3.2 Role definition:
List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project leader- Teacher
Researchers-   students
Information provider- people staying near the pond
Presenter- group leader with the team members.

3.3 Task schedule:
Note start and end dates for the project.
Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Start date: 08.08.16
End date: 30.08.16
Poem , slogan, poster- 20.08.16
Campaign- 10.08.16

3.4 Special Activities Plan:
List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Visit to pond ecosystem and interaction with local people-13.08.16
Poster display-20.08.16

3.5 Resource Plan:
List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Library period- According to the time table of the class.
Computer period- According to the time table of the class.

3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Questionnaire preparation-pond ecosystem
Research paper from internet- study already conducted

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
Checking the progress of task, every week.
Group meeting every day to ensure work done

3.8 Assessment plan:
Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.

Assessment plan: slogan assessment
Poem assessment
Photograph assessment
Questionnaire assessment
Skit assessment
Poster assessment
Presentation assessment
Speech assessment
Model assessment
Team coordination, organization, creativity, interpretation

Project Based Learning
Lesson 4-Work plan
Prepare work plan in the format given below.

Launch project
teacher 08.08.16 08.08.16 Project launched

Deliver classroom instruction 1.Define the project
2.culminating product
teacher 08.08.16 08.08.16 Initial classroom
discussion completed
Group selection teacher 08.08.16 08.08.16 Group selection complete

Conduct Research
Collect data on water pollution and water conservation students 09.08.16 28.08.16 Information recorded
Perform field visit Visit to nearest pond ecosystem
student 13.08.16 13.08.16 Proceedings recorded & Photographs taken
Conduct Survey
Visit to nearby village. Prepare Questionaire
student 13.08.16 13.08.16 Prepared and conducted Survey.

Activities Slogan, poster, speech, campaign 10.08.16 25.08.16
Advice meeting Team meets for briefs and advice from teacher.
students 08.08.16 10.08.16 Meeting held to discuss proceeding
Assessment & grading
Prepare rubrics &  assessment teacher 08.08.16 30.08.16
Reflection and evaluation Student reflection&  evaluation,  Teacher reflection &  evaluation Student and teacher 29.08.16 30.08.16
Project closed
Submitting to Principal teacher 30.08.16

Lesson 5-The Do Phase

5.1 Project Launch:
Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched at a group meeting with the class. There will be a presentation covering goals. Expectations, rules, procedures, assessments and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom and posted in the blog. The define, plan, do and review cycles will be discussed.

5.2  Artifacts:
List artifacts that will be created during the project
Questionnaire, slogan , presentation, display board

5.3 Culminating product:
Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.

2. Log book on activity report with date.
3. Charts/ Posters depicting ideas.
4. Blog/animation
5.  cartoon.
6.  Power point presentation

5.4  Celebrating completion:
Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
Exhibition of project in the conference hall before peer group and all science teachers, Principal / Vice Principal/ Experts.

Lesson 6-The Review Phase

6.1 Student Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
Student will present in front of the class-the methodology adopted, challenges faced-facts learned-skills developed-enjoyment of team work-self decisions made-critical analysis- visits and experiences gained.

6.2 Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

Difficult periods
 Problems faced
 How it can be done better/different
Overall experiences gained.

6.3  Assessment of 21st Century skills:
List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment
Artefacts :  21st century skills
Research note-ICT,analysis co relation,selection of facts
Campaign: organization and
Photographs: Skill to handle camera- cinematography
Poster: Drawing and painting skills. creativity using colours.
Presentation: ICT , creativity, team coordination, leadership, Analysis, conclusion, problem solving.

6.4  Summative Assessment and Grading:
List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading
Product Rubric Grading
1.Survey results
5.Power point presentation Questionnaire, survey rubrics
Blog rubric
 Respective rubric
ICT/presentation rubric
Project Based Learning
Lesson 7-The Manage Phase

7.1 Process Management:
List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning
  Project leadership
  Progress monitoring
  process management
  Conflict management

7.2 Student Preparation:
Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed
The idea to be presented to student 3 weeks before the launch of the project. New ICT tools to be practiced and analysed. Sample project can be discussed- highlighting steps to be followed- results- conclusion- requirements.

7.3 Facilitation:
Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.

Use of library and computer labs - free periods to be made use of . Research papers on the same topic and previous project reports to be made use of.

7.4  Progress Monitoring:
Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.

Group Progress
Team to meet on daily basis to discuss proceedings and report to teacher in charge.

Check for the completion of specific task and topics learned

(7.5) Re-planning:
Describe how‘re-planning’ will be used if the project goes off track
 Low risk of student work going out off track. Project to be completed in the assigned date schedule. 10% additional time may be allowed. End date to be adhered to. Extra time at home can be made use of.

(7.6) Conflict Management:
Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts that may arise.
 Team work rule to be followed. Students are asked to coordinate and cooperate to make the programme a success. Activity to be monitored by the teacher regularly to avoid misunderstanding. Motivating words to be used often to encourage student to work with unity

Sheeja P - Class X Sacred groves: Protection of Natural resources.

Sheeja P
Science Class X
Sacred groves: Protection of Natural resources.

                                                   LESSON 1 -PROJECT PLAN

(1.1)The Define Phase  

Title: Sacred groves: Protection of Natural resources.
(1.11) Introduction:

•   Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
•   What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
•   What are students intended to learn from the project?

(1.12) Project Scope:

            Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, soft skills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:

            List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.

 Class X science curriculum and standards related

  •      The various natural resources on earth.
  •      The balance of bio-Geo chemical cycles.
  •      Land ,Water and Forest resources.
  •      The ecosystem , food chain and food webs involved.
  •     Outcome of depletion of Natural resources.
  •      Man's activity linkage to depletion of Natural resources.

 This project is intended for students of class X to explore the following topics:

1. The importance of natural resources.
2. The need to protect Natural resources.
3.Sacred groves and traditional knowledge.
4.The medicinal plants associated with sacred groves.
5.Man's role in disturbing ecological balance.


2.1 Essential Question:

            Put in writing the question that will engage the students

Are Sacred groves a means of protection of natural resources?

2.2 Grouping Strategy:

            Describe the criteria that will be used to form students team and how this maps to the goals of the project.
Team consists of 5 students of mixed ability and skills.
To improve team work -coordination of work-leadership among early bloomers and peer study among late bloomers.
Encourage skill of drawing and painting, harvest statistical skills and tabulation skills among some students.

2.3 Learning Environment:

            Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.
A work group is formed in class with a round arrangement of tables for better interaction, discussion and critical analysis.
A log book maintained for daily observation and record of photographs of work spot and interview with local people to be maintained.
Posters to be painted by students skilled in drawing and painting.
Computer lab for collection of research material.
Blog to be created for better access and interaction.

2.4 Assessment Approach:

                Describe the approach for:
  2.41 Authentic Assessment:

1. Visit to sacred grove
2.Study of ecology & analysis of flora and fauna.
3.Traditional belief associated -Interview.
4.Analysis of the medicinal properties of water source in sacred grove.
5.Visit to a taxonomist for plant identification.
2.42 Formative Assessment:

Regular feedback provided by log book data, Photograph assessment , head count of plants, The blooming and fruiting pattern, being undisturbed by human interference, questionnaire on traditional beliefs, statistical analysis of variety of plants , The reasons for availability of water through out the year.

2.43 Summative Assessment:

Assessment on
     The data collected and analysed .
     Skills of poster making.
     Graphical representation of plant species
     Power point presentation.
     Blog interaction.

2.44 Rubrics:

 Assessment on:
     Questionnaire
     Survey
     Data collection on plant species
     Taxonomic value and economic value of trees and plants
     Blog
     Power point presentation.

   2.45 Gradings

Based on step wise grading throughout the entire project .
A rubric used to compile grades.            

LESSON 3-Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:

Class room instruction: Natural resources - importance- Need to preserve traditional knowledge.
Selection of student group:A group of five student of class X ( Student group)
Research: Websites, Wikipedia, Library and research paper. ( Research report)
Class activity: Visit to a Taxonomist/Pharmacologist/Ecologist(Visit reports)
Survey: Questionnaire, traditional practices, beliefs,economic value        
(Survey reports)
Activity: Visit to a near by sacred grove(field trip)
Activity : Analysis of plants for medicinal value (Pharmacologist visit)
Activity: Analysis of water from the sacred grove for minerals.(Lab work)
Activity: Study of animals and insects associated with.(Entomologist /Zoologist)
Presentation: Importance of sacred groves in preserving Natural resources(Presentation)

 List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone

3.2 Role definition:

 List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.

Project Leader: Science teacher.
Researcher: All Students.
Survey writer: All students
Adviser: Taxonomist/ Zoologist/Ecologist/Entomologist/chemist/Pharmacologist.
Presenter: Group leader with the help of team members.

3.3 Task schedule:

 Note start and end dates for the project.
 Include expected dates to start specific tasks

Project start date 15th July 2016.
Project end date 15th August 2016.
Activity: Visit to sacred grove planned by 20th July 2016.
Activity: Visit to Taxonomist/ ecologist after analysys of vegetation of sacred grove.

3.4 Special Activities Plan:

Visit to sacred groove: 20th July 2016
Visit to Taxonomist/Ecologist: 25th July 2016
Visit to meet local population to analyse traditional beliefs : 28th July 2016
                List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.

Library Periods: According to the timetable of the class
Computer periods: According to the time table of the class.

3.5 Resource Plan:

List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.

Library Periods: According to the timetable of the class
Computer periods: According to the time table of the class.

3.6 Direct Instruction:

List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.

Survey of facts from the local population- Traditional beliefs.
Visit to experts: Identification of plant species.
Research papers from the internet- Previous work done on the topic

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:

Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project

 Discussion in class about progress at the end of every week.
Improve strategies to overcome challenges and hurdles.
Team meeting to be held every day to analyse work done for 10 minutes during light periods.

3.8 Assessment plan:
            Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project.

 Assessment: Survey report/ Tabulation as graphs/Pie-charts. Record of observation, record of information from experts, Analysis of traditional practices.

Formative assessment:

     1.Data from log book.
     2. Record of photographs.
     3.Plat data analysis.
    4. Analysis of water resource.
    5. Analysis of level of pollution.

Summative Assessment:

  1.     Power point presentation.
  2.      Charts and posters.
  3.     Blog interaction
  4.     Team coordination

Rubrics Prepared:

Survey questionnaire, Questions posed to experts, result rubrics, data analysis rubrics, presentation rubric, team work and coordination.

Lesson 4-Work plan


5.1 Project Launch:

Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched at a group meeting with the class. There will be a presentation covering goals. Expectations, rules, procedures, assessments and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom and posted in the blog. The define, plan, do and review cycles will be discussed.

5.2  Artifacts:

List artifacts that will be created during the project
Research notes,Survey Reports,Questionares,Message Boards,Presentation,Photograph,Pre chart,bar graph etc

5.3 Culminating product:

Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.

2. Log book on activity report with date.
3. Charts/ Posters depicting ideas.
4. Blog/animation
5.  cartoon.
6.  Power point presentation

5.4  Celebrating completion:
Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
Exhibition of project in the conference hall before peer group and all science teachers, Principal / Vice Principal/ Experts.

Lesson 6-The Review Phase

6.1 Student Reflection and Evaluation:

                Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

Student will present in front of the class-the methodology adopted, challenges faced-facts learned-skills developed-enjoyment of team work-self decisions made-critical analysis- visits and experiences gained.

6.2 Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:

                Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

Difficult periods
 Problems faced
 How it can be done better/different
Overall experiences gained.

6.3  Assessment of 21st Century skills:

                List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment

Artefacts :  21st century skills
Research note-ICT,analysis co relation,selection of facts
Campaign: organization and
Photographs: Skill to handle camera- cinematography
Poster: Drawing and painting skills. creativity using colours.
Presentation: ICT , creativity, team coordination, leadership, Analysis, conclusion, problem solving.

6.4  Summative Assessment and Grading:

                List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading

Product Rubric Grading
1.Survey results
5.Power point presentation Questionnaire, survey rubrics
Blog rubric
 Respective rubric
ICT/presentation rubric

Lesson 7-The Manage Phase

7.1 Process Management:
                List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning

  Project leadership
  Progress monitoring
  process management
  Conflict management

7.2 Student Preparation:

 Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed

The idea to be presented to student 3 weeks before the launch of the project. New ICT tools to be practiced and analysed. Sample project can be discussed- highlighting steps to be followed- results- conclusion- requirements.

7.3 Facilitation:

                Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.

Use of library and computer labs - free periods to be made use of . Research papers on the same topic and previous project reports to be made use of.

7.4  Progress Monitoring:

 Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.

Group Progress

Team to meet on daily basis to discuss proceedings and report to teacher in charge.


Check for the completion of specific task and topics learned

(7.5) Re-planning:

  Describe how‘re-planning’ will be used if the project goes off track

 Low risk of student work going out off track. Project to be completed in the assigned date schedule. 10% additional time may be allowed. End date to be adhered to. Extra time at home can be made use of.

(7.6) Conflict Management:

 Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts that may arise.

 Team work rule to be followed. Students are asked to coordinate and cooperate to make the programme a success. Activity to be monitored by the teacher regularly to avoid misunderstanding. Motivating words to be used often to encourage student to work with unity


Sreeju M G -English Class X COMIC BOOK MAKING

Sreeju M G -English Class X COMIC BOOK MAKING

Sreeju M G
English Class X

Project Based Learning
1. Project Plan
(1.1)The Define Phase

(1.11) Introduction:
·   Write a statement describing the overall purpose of the project.
·   What is the key challenge or problem the project is aiming to address?
·   What are students intended to learn from the project?

Motivate the students to read - engaging through thinking,creating and writing-developing  creative and higher level thought process-enriching reading ,writing and thinking-

(1.12) Project Scope:
 Describe the scope of your project. This may include class and section, subjects it covers, self shills to be used etc. as well as other factors affecting scope.

Students from class X
Subject involved-English ,fine arts(painting and drawing)
Student research will be monitored and managed to avoid students going off track and out of scope.

(1.13) Curriculum and Standards:
List the curriculum and standards this project with cover.


Lesson 2 –Define Phase
2.1 Essential Question:
            Put in writing the question that will engage the students

Don’t talking pictures stay longer in memory?

2.2 Grouping Strategy:
Describe the criteria that will be used to form students team and how this maps to the goals of the project.

Team will comprise groups of 5 students of mixed gender, and mixed ability and skills. One of the goals is to promote teamwork in mixed ability groups so that higher ability students get opportunities for peer instruction, and lower ability students benefit from the more advanced collaboration that will arise from this.

2.3 Learning Environment:
            Describe the learning environment for the project including any classroom adaptation that will be required.

A group working area in the classroom will be set aside with tables and chairs to allow more effective interaction among team members. A classroom wall near the project area will be set aside to post paper materials collected during research. Computer labs will be used for the majority of the online work. Research notes will be recorded in computers/blogs. Some collaboration between students will take place through email,WHATTSAPP ETC

2.4 Assessment Approach:
               Describe the approach for:

               2.41 Authentic Assessment:

            Authentic tasks such as
1.creating pictures for the images in the poem
2.arranging the pictures according to the plot
3.creating appropriate dialogues forsituations
2.42 Formative Assessment:
Regular feedback will be provided as the stiudents work on the picture cards,dialogues,drawing and colouring

2.43 Summative Assessment:


2.44 Rubrics:
2.45 Gradings:

Sample – Lesson 3
Plan Phase

3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:

            List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.
3.1 Work Breakdown, Products and Milestones:
List the project task and, if possible at this stage include the sub-tasks. For each task add the product that will be created and indicate it will be a milestone.

3.2 Role definition:
List the roles team members will fulfill in the project.
Project leader: teacher will fulfill this role
Researchers,painters,dialogue makers,monitors,
 (all students will contribute to this)
Project leader : will monitor the team’s work at various levels
Presentation author
Presenter (all students will take some part in the presentation)

3.3 Task schedule:
Note start and end dates for the project.
Include expected dates to start specific tasks
Project start date 1st Nov 2016
Project end date 30th Nov 2016
Activity “Creating a comic strip based on the poem –THE RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER.

3.4 Special Activities Plan:
List any special activities (e.g. Field trips or guest speakers) including dates.
Exhibition on 1 dec

3.5 Resource Plan:
List resource that will be required during the project and any other date constraints associated with them.
Computer lab

3.6 Direct Instruction:
List any planned direct instruction sessions and link them to specific tasks if appropriate.
Project task groups
Research group
Planning group

3.7 Reviews and checkpoints:
Describe how you will incorporate review meetings and checkpoints in the project
Twice or thrice  every week there will be a 10 minutes class conference to discuss progress, successes and challenges.
A checkpoint meeting for each team will be held for 10 minutes twice per week.

3.8 Assessment plan:
Describe the balanced assessment plan for the project. List products that will be assessed during the project. List rubrics that need to be created before project launch.

Opportunities for authentic assessment will include: the research,library work,collaboration,
Formative assessment will primarily focus on the artifacts created by the students during the project. Special attention will be paid to survey prototypes, learning journals and presentation outlines.
Summative assessments will be performed on the lay out and presentation of the content.
Rubrics prepared: Survey and research  questions and results rubric, picturisation and presentations rubric, grading rubric.

Lesson 4-Work plan
Prepare work plan in the format given below.

Lesson 5-The Do Phase

5.1 Project Launch:
Describe how the project will be launched, including how goals, expectation, rules, procedures, assessment, and grading will be presented to the students.
The project will be launched as a group meeting with the whole class. There will be a presentation covering goals, expectations, rules, procedures, assessment and grading. Students will be invited to discuss any of the above and we may make change as a result. The final presentation will be printed and displayed in the classroom as well as being posted in PBL Blog
Define, plan, do, and review cycles will be discussed

5.2  Artifacts:
List artifacts that will be created during the project
Research notes
Sample sheets
Message boards (may be thro’ email/blog/what’s app) (as demonstration of team collaboration)
Presentation outlines

5.3 Culminating product:
Describe what culminating product or products are expected to be created during the project and how they will be presented.

  Each sheet of the comic will be prepared and presented by the groups
Each group will share their methods and innovations with the other group

5.4  Celebrating completion:
Describe how the students will celebrate when the project is completed.
The comic strip will be released in the morning assembly.
It will be exhibited in the school library for an exhibition

Lesson 6-The Review Phase

6.1 Student Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how student reflection and evaluation will be conducted.
One session after the end of the project will be dedicated to student reflection and evaluation. Their reflection will cover: what topics I learned about, what new skills I learned, what I liked about the project, what I didn’t like about the project and what I would do differently on the next project. An evaluation form will be completed by each student as a homework assignment.
A subsequent lesson will be used to discuss the observations made by the students

6.2 Teacher Reflection and Evaluation:
Describe how teacher reflection and evaluation will be conducted.

I have prepared a teacher reflection and evaluation form to complete that covers:
Achievement of project goals
What I learned
What I would do differently next time

6.3  Assessment of 21st Century skills:
List of 21st century skills in this project and its assessment
Artifact                                      21st century skills
Research notes                        problem solving, ICT ,initiave
Dialoge written                        creativity,communicative skills
Pictures and illustrations       creativity,imagination,team work

6.4  Summative Assessment and Grading:
List products and the corresponding rubrics that will be used for SA and Grading
Product Rubric Grading
Research notes Research notes rubric
Dialogue writing Dialogue writing rubric
Picture presentation Picture presentation rubric
Lay out and colouring

Lesson 7-The Manage Phase

7.1 Process Management:
List tasks that will be used to manage the process of conducting the learning
Project leadership
Progress monitoring
Process management
Conflict managemen

7.2 Student Preparation:
Describe how students will be prepared for the project prior to launch. List any specific instruction or tasks that will be needed
The students will be told about the idea for the project 2 weeks before it start. They will be asked to learn more about comic strips from the net and library

7.3 Facilitation:
Describe how facilitation of resources will be used to enable the students to be successful.

Use of library and computer lab will be fixed in advance…specific research tasks will be distributed in advance

7.4  Progress Monitoring:
Describe how program will be monitored throughout the project.

Group Progress
Whole class conference twice or thrice a week

eam checkpoint meetings as well informally daily checking with teams and individuals on their work.

(7.5) Re-planning:
Describe how‘re-planning’ will be used if the project goes off track
 Since student autonomy is low there is low risk of the project going off track. 10% additional time allowance has been included for overrun but the end date cannot be exceeded. There is an option for homework to be used to catch up if necessary

(7.6) Conflict Management:
Describe how to address problems related to participation, offer approaches to manage other conflicts that may arise.
 Teamwork rules will be included in project launch presentation. Students are asked to initially try to work out conflicts on their own. In the case of a deadlock, issues are to be raised with the teacher. Lack of participation will be dealt with by culprits being removed from the project work and set to work on alternative individual tasks for the duration of the project